Closure Notice! The hospital will be closed Saturday, September 14 for our inventory count. Thank you for your understanding. 

Dog Dental Care

Taking care of your loyal companion’s oral health with professional help from your veterinarian.

Oral disease is a common, yet avoidable problem for dogs. It can lead to bad breath, swollen and painful gums, rotting or fractured teeth, and overall mouth pain. These problems can cause more significant issues such as changes in appetite, attitude, oral abscesses, and more.

What types of canine dental care services are offered at your hospital?

We use dental X-rays to assess tooth root structure below the gum line to rule out abscesses, absorptive lesions, and retained roots. Dental technicians polish teeth to create a smooth, lustrous tooth surface that is more resistant to plaque build-up.

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

It is recommended that you brush your dog’s teeth 3 times per week, with a specific canine toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Why is oral and dental health important?

If your dog has a sore mouth, it is likely that they are not able to eat correctly, and sometimes may not eat at all. Oral and dental health is essential for day to day function. The healthier the teeth mean less risk of eroding gums, tooth decay and pain.

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