Pets and Fireworks

With summer upon us, there is a lot of celebrating for holidays, especially Canada Day. Though most humans love to attend these events, not all pets love it.

If you have a loved furry family member that does not love fireworks or any loud sounds, below are some great tips to help them be more relaxed.

  • Keeping a radio or TV turned up loud can whitewash the noise.
  • Staying with your pet can keep them calm and comforted.
  • Cats will often choose a corner or covered place to hide, where they’ll feel most secure. Placing the litter box close by may help prevent unwanted accidents.
  • Dogs can often be distracted by a Kong stuffed with peanut butter or cheese.

Please keep in mind that fireworks are toxic to pets, and can cause illness if ingested. If you think your pet may have ingested, please call your veterinarian.

Have a Happy Canada Day!

Written by: Robin Harnett, SC